Equities data
Get real-time and historical stock and ETF data.
It only takes 3 minutes.
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50+ trading venues
Easy access through a single API and official client libraries (Python, C++, Rust).
Over 2 million instruments
US equities coverage includes 20,000+ stocks and ETFs since their initial listings.
Over 12 PB coverage
Tick data, full order book, OHLCV, imbalance, reference data, and more.
Flexible pricing
Only pay for what you use, or get unlimited access with a subscription plan.
Direct from source
Raw and normalized market data sourced from direct feeds at our Equinix NY4 colo.
Self-service onboarding
Skip the sales call. Access your first dataset in as little as 3 minutes.
Comprehensive market coverage
Databento is a licensed distributor and direct provider of market data for 50+ trading venues. See full venue list ->
All US equities combined in one service
Databento US Equities
20,469 products
Data from 15 US equities exchanges and 30 ATSs under a single pricing plan.
North America
Since 2018
Exchange | Dataset | Definitions | L1 | L2 | L3 |
Nasdaq | Nasdaq TotalView-ITCH | | | | |
Nasdaq BX | Nasdaq BX TotalView-ITCH | | | | |
Nasdaq PSX | Nasdaq PSX TotalView-ITCH | | | | |
NYSE | NYSE Integrated | | | | |
NYSE American | NYSE American Integrated | | | | |
NYSE Arca | NYSE Arca Integrated | | | | |
NYSE National | NYSE National Trades and BBO | | | | |
NYSE Chicago | NYSE Chicago Integrated | | | | |
Cboe BZX | Coming soon Cboe BZX Depth | | | | |
Cboe BYX | Coming soon Cboe BYX Depth | | | | |
Cboe EDGA | Coming soon Cboe EDGA Depth | | | | |
Cboe EDGX | Coming soon Cboe EDGX Depth | | | | |
MEMX | MEMX Memoir Depth | | | | |
MIAX | MIAX Pearl DoM | | | | |
IEX | IEX TOPS | | | | |
FINRA/Nasdaq TRF Carteret | Nasdaq Basic with NLS Plus | | | | |
FINRA/Nasdaq TRF Chicago | Nasdaq Basic with NLS Plus | | | | |
FINRA/NYSE TRF | Coming soon NYSE Trades | | | | |
Modern stock data APIs built for top financial institutions
Databento works with any language through our APIs. We also provide client libraries for Python, Rust, and C++.
Build your first application in 4 lines of code

Simple workflows for equities trading
Nanosecond timestamps
The only normalized market data solution to provide up to four timestamps for every event, with sub-microsecond accuracy across venues.
Full order book
All buy and sell orders at every price level. Get each trade tick-by-tick and order queue composition at all prices.
Entire venue in one API call
Subscribe to every update of every symbol on the venue, in a single API call—like a direct feed—be it over internet or cross-connect.
Direct prop feeds only
Databento’s equities data is sourced directly from each exchange.
Direct feedsDatabento | SIPsMost data providers | |
Feeds included | 18 proprietary feeds | CTS, CQS, UTDF, UQDF only |
Price levels | All levels | Top of book only |
Trade aggressor sideThe SIPs don’t tell you whether a trade is buyer or seller-initiated, so you have to infer from the quote prices and participant timestamps. This can be as inaccurate on as much as 45% of trades. Using direct prop feeds gives you 100% accuracy. | ||
Full order bookThe SIPs only consolidate top-of-book quotes from each market center, leaving out valuable information that happens in subsequent levels. Moreover, the SIPs are depth feeds, and do not provide order IDs which let you determine queue composition of each price level. | ||
Odd lotsOdd lots are not reported to the SIPs. However, odd lots make up nearly 50% of US equities trading activity and this trend continues to increase. Databento’s equity bundles report all trades regardless of size. | ||
Auction imbalanceSignificant price discovery takes place during the opening and closing auctions, with closing auction volume now over 12% of US daily volume. Institutional traders use auction imbalance data, only available on the prop feeds and not the SIPs, to identify actionable opportunities and participate in the opening and closing auctions. | ||
Low latencyThe CTA and UTP SIPs are based in Mahwah and Carteret respectively. For example, this means that trades in NYSE-listed stocks that occur on Nasdaq in Carteret have to be reported to CTA in Mahwah, incurring unnecessary latency. We consolidate the prop feeds in Secaucus NY4, which gives us the least average distance to all of the equities matching engines. |
Customize your data
Select symbols, format, encoding, and delivery. Get any range by the nanosecond.
Read our API reference and user guides
Our datasets support multiple formats, including order book, tick data, bar aggregates, and more. View all supported schemas ->
Market by order, full order book, L3.
Market by price, market depth, L2.
Top of book, trades and quotes, L1.
Top of book, sampled in trade space.
Tick-by-tick trades, last sale.
Aggregates per second, minute, hour, or day.
Point-in-time instrument definitions.
Auction imbalance, order imbalance.
Intraday and end-of-day trading statistics.
Examples of frequently used data fields. Each schema is represented as a collection of fields. View all supported fields by schema ->
The publisher ID assigned by Databento, which denotes the dataset and venue.
The numeric instrument ID.
The order ID assigned at the venue.
The matching-engine-received timestamp expressed as the number of nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch.
The capture-server-received timestamp expressed as the number of nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch.
The matching-engine-sending timestamp expressed as the number of nanoseconds before ts_recv
The order price where every 1 unit corresponds to 1e-9, i.e. 1/1,000,000,000 or 0.000000001.
The event action. Can be Add, Cancel, Modify, cleaR book, Trade, or Fill.
The order quantity.
A bit field indicating event end, message characteristics, and data quality.
The last eligible trade time expressed as a number of nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch.
The exercise price if the instrument is an option. Converted to units of 1e-9, i.e. 1/1,000,000,000 or 0.000000001.
API methods
Examples of popular API methods. Our APIs are organized into four categories: metadata, timeseries, symbology, and batch download. View all supported API methods ->
Get dataset range
Get the available date range for a dataset.
List publishers
List all our dataset publishers.
List datasets
List all our available dataset names.
List schemas
List all available market data schemas for a dataset.
Get cost
Get the dollars for a historical streaming or batch download request.
Get range
Stream time series data using our Historical API.
Resolve a list of symbols into their exchange specific identifier.
Download a completed batch job.
Submit job
Submit a large data request to our batch system for download.
Sampling frequencies
All datasets provide full flexibility and the ability to customize sampling resolution.
Every book update
Every order execution, add, cancel, replace, book snapshot, and more. By the nanosecond.
Every trade and quote. By the nanosecond.
1 second
Subsampled BBO, last sale, and OHLCV aggregates by the second.
1 minute
Subsampled BBO, last sale, and OHLCV aggregates by the minute.
OHLCV aggregates by the hour.
Daily market statistics, indicative opening and closing prices, OHLCV aggregates, and more.
What our users are saying

Michael Tung, Investments Lead
Rick Zhan, VP Quant Research
Paul Aston, Founder

Brett Harrison, Founder

Nikita Ostroverkhov, Algo Trading
V. Chen, Equity Research Associate

Chris Pento, Co-founder and CEO
Matt Papakipos
C. Garcia, Senior Quant Researcher